Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pastel Trees

Here is the latest attempt at trees.  This time I went back to pastels.  There is a more detailed look with my pastel trees than my trees painted with gouache, but I didn't spend any time adding detail.  It's just scumbling light over dark that gives depth to the trees.

This is painted with PanPastels, Unison and Terry Ludwig pastels and is painted on 5 x 7 natural sienna Pastelmat.  Still not pleased with my grass.

Thanks for looking.  Here is #11.



  1. Beautiful trees in this one. I love their heavy masses and the distinct sky gaps, the trees are definitely the focal area.

    1. Thanks, Rob. I tried to forget they were trees and just painted the shapes that I saw. I made sure I didn't lose those pesky sky holes.
